
Back to School, Boosted

Columns/Editorial Culture Features Lifestyle

by Amy Lee

The BOHO Health Coach


It’s no secret that many families in America are currently dreading the back to school season. As parents prepare themselves and their children for major changes occurring within the school system, illness prevention is a top priority for many families. While illness prevention may be a top priority, it can also become confusing or frustrating. 

This month I am highlighting my top five methods for boosting the immune system naturally. 

  1. Cannabidiol (CBD) –  A recent study* conducted at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada concluded that cannabis extracts high in cannabidiol (CBD), are responsible for reducing inflammation at high levels and improving immune function on a cellular level within certain COVID-19 “gateway” tissues. These body tissues include but are not limited to lung tissue, oral/nasal tissue, and gastrointestinal tissues. Researchers believe reducing inflammation within these tissue groups could help decrease susceptibility to COVID-19 as well as other infections. Full-spectrum cannabidiol is also widely known for its ability to promote a healthy gut environment as well as serve as an antioxidant. 


Implementing a daily cannabidiol regimen is very simple to accomplish and results in major health benefits. Medicating daily with full-spectrum cannabidiol products is a wonderful solution for parents and school-age children. I recommend starting with a low dose of approximately 5-10mgs of cannabidiol to provide an immune boost while reducing inflammation to protect and prevent infection. Visit www.thebohohealthcoach.com for a full line of cannabidiol products including daily multivitamins and gummies.


  1. Ginger – A major superfood seasoning with high anti-inflammatory properties. This common seasoning is a simple solution with major immunity supporting benefits. 

Fresh ginger may be added to meals providing a zesty flavor for marinades, soups, salad dressings, or even as a seasoning for proteins and vegetables. Ginger tea is a wonderful product that may be easily paired with cannabidiol infused honey to amplify the immune-boosting benefits, as the cannabidiol acts as an amplifier. 


  1. Apples (all varieties) – Apples are extremely rich in the flavonol quercetin, this flavonol is a potent anti-inflammatory compound that breaks down within the digestive system assisting in reducing inflammation throughout the body. Apples are also rich in antioxidants making it the perfect snack. 

Apples are easy to consume and Pair this powerhouse fruit with hemp-infused nut-butter and amplify the effects within the digestive and immune system. 


  1. Bell Pepper – Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that assists in immune system support, encourages the production of white blood cells to protect the body against infection as well as protecting against free radicals. Yellow bell peppers contain the highest amount of vitamin C per serving but consuming any color bell pepper will provide sufficient amounts of Vitamin C. 

Bell peppers are a simple vegetable that may be included in many meals, effortlessly. One of my favorite ways to utilize bell peppers is as a substitute for chips with dip. This is a simple solution to consuming more vitamin C, reducing inflammation, and preventing disease. 


  1. Turmeric – Turmeric is a superfood seasoning due to the active compound curcumin, an extremely potent anti-inflammatory, and immune system modulator.

With its bright orange color and strong aroma, many people steer clear of this superfood however, adding it to your lifestyle is quite simple. This seasoning may be added to proteins, soups, sauces or drinks. Check out my Golden Milk recipe on Herbage Magazine for a family favorite. 


It may seem simple, but adding these five superfoods to your routine can result in amazing benefits internally and potentially protecting you and your family through this next season. 


Wishing you wellness, 

Amy Lee 




Ripton, J.T., et al. “One Preliminary Study Suggests CBD May Help to Fight Covid-19.” MedCity News, 10 July 2020, medcitynews.com/2020/07/canadian-researchers-believe-cbd-could-help-to-fight-covid-19-infections/?rf=1.


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