
Universal Cannabis 101: Introduction to History

Cannabis Education Jasmine Harvey Latest The Fam

Universal Cannabis 101

Introduction to History

by Jasmine Harvey


We know Cannabis Sativa can be a daunting lady to get to know. Don’t fret! I am here to ease your introduction into the world of cannabis and all of its benefits. 

Cannabis has long since been a staple in humanity’s growth with its early use being dated back to as early as 12,000 years ago in Asia 500 B.C. Cannabis has been used to heighten one’s awareness in spiritual practices as well as aid in medicinal relief for certain ailments throughout history. 

Pride by Jasmine Harvey

Now, I know you are wondering why the history lesson?

Well, we always want to start with a full basic understanding of what we are consuming and how it came to be, right? First step is knowing and understanding how long the Cannabis Sativa plant has been around and its uses. Knowledge is power and I am here to be your guide. 

With Cannabis and Hemp having more than 25,000 uses you can see why it has become more common but the education is just catching up. I will guide you on how Cannabis synergistically works with your body and the hows and whys behind it. 

Take this journey with me on the vast universe of Cannabis! 

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