
Once Labeled “Catatonic” Oklahoma Boy’s Cannabis as Medicine Results Take Him TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!

Jessi Lane Latest Lifestyle Patient

Once Labeled “Catatonic” Oklahoma Boy’s Cannabis as Medicine Results Take Him TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!

by Jessi Lane Patient Advocate


Amber didn’t know anything about cannabis as medicine when she first sought plant based medicine treatment for her son, Austyn, who Amber lovingly refers to as her “forever baby.” Traditional seizure medications were a frightening prospect. “My sister had passed away from liver failure actually, while I was pregnant, and I couldn’t justify putting him on a medication that had the potential to cause the same thing.”

Amber began reading about medical marijuana refugees, “I told my husband that if families were leaving their entire lives to get their kids help, then it must be working! It had to be life changing!” But where to begin can be an overwhelming feat.

The Bain Family

Amber utilized the services of Tulsa’s Higher Care Clinic, who assisted her through the process, offering both required pediatric recommendations and state submission. “They were so great!” relayed Amber. Upon receipt of Austyn’s OMMA license June 2019, Amber started Austyn on a full spectrum tincture.

Choosing to begin Austyn’s oral administration at bedtime she followed the first rule of titration- start low and slow, and noted some improvement in his sleep.

Austyn lives with a painful condition called Eosinophilic Esophagitis that, upon flare, is sleep inhibiting. EoE is a chronic immune system disease in which a type of white blood cell (eosinophil) builds up in the lining of the tube that connects your mouth to your stomach (esophagus) 1. “EOE is terrifying.

Anytime he doesn’t feel great, it is the first thing we have to check.” Due to Austyn’s vast allergy list of potential flare triggers, Austyn thrives on Neocate formula and likely will always have to.


Since becoming an OMMA licensed patient, Amber does report improvements in Austyn’s sleep, however “he still stays awake a lot.” The huge difference, she finds, is that he is noticeably able to relax during awake hours- something he was unable to achieve prior to licensing. This was affecting the entire family.

“He used to stim and yell all night and nobody in our house was getting sleep. Now he will lay in bed with me while I sleep and is able to quietly watch a movie and cuddle up until he falls asleep.” Austyn’s stimming may be due to the complex nature of his neurological profile.


Due to Polyhydramnious, an excessive volume of amniotic fluid known to be associated with an increased risk of various adverse pregnancy outcomes including fetal anomalies2, Amber was hospitalized in her third trimester. Born blue and unresponsive, Amber learned her baby may show signs of brain damage due to lack of oxygen at birth.

Seemingly thriving his first year, Austyn learned some speech and ate regularly. However despite this progress, Amber eventually began to notice a change in Austyn’s behavior and soon those successes had come to an abrupt halt. “He was just staring into space,” Amber sorrowfully recounted. Labeled “catatonic” by a neuropsychologist, Austyn received his Autism diagnosis and at 2 years EEG results determined Austyn was also experiencing Absence Seizures every five to ten minutes. “He could be having a thousand seizures a day and we had no idea.”


The Bain family is a blended family of eight children and three grandchildren that have adapted their entire lives to support Austyn’s needs. “I would say my kids are incredibly caring, open minded, kind, and understanding as a result of having a brother like him.”

Thanks to cannabis as medicine Austyn is able to bounce into outer space on the trampoline with his siblings and loves to jump on the bed and watch his favorite movie- Toy Story. Amber may be unconventional in her goals for Austyn and her family. “My goals are just to be happy with the life we have and stay kind.” She goes on to say, “It’s not a popular answer, but I am okay if Austyn never says his ABC’s, I just want him to always feel loved and valued and be able to show us love back.”


Amber’s consumption method of choice for Austyn is tincture and when exhibiting the symptoms of a flare or higher than average levels of pain she adjusts his dosage accordingly and incorporates pain creams and patches. In doing so she is layering his consumption methods, supporting the full spectrum profile provided by his tincture. This regiment has catapulted Austyn’s quality of life. “We couldn’t touch him before and now he is the biggest cuddler. He is active. He runs and plays, he laughs and dances. He makes sounds now. Cannabis has changed his entire life, and as a result also changed our family’s.”


Author Jessi Lane

Jessi Lane is a Patient Advocate, Writer, and Oklahoma cannabis industry Consultant. She is a native Tulsan and Mom to three boys- two with ASD and SPD- one of whom is an OMMA licensed pediatric cardholder and she his licensed Caregiver. Jessi Lane is a Certified Cannacian III and Trichome Institute Certified Cannabis Consultant. With a “full spectrum” Postpartum Wellness background, Jessi has been an active member of the Tulsa cannabis industry since 2018, advocating for and assisting Oklahoma families while forging and growing several Oklahoma cannabis industry brands you know and love.


  1. Mayo Clinic (n.d.). Eosinophilic esophagitis. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/eosinophilic-esophagitis/symptoms-causes/syc-20372197


  1. Beeloosesky, MD, Ron, Ross, Michael G, MD, MPH. (March 31, 2021). Polyhydramnios: Etiology, diagnosis, and management. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/polyhydramnios-etiology-diagnosis-and-management




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