
It’s 2020 Eat Your Raw Cannabis Greens!

Divine Independence

It is the new year, and we all know what that means. Resolution after resolution that most of us probably won’t end up keeping. I only say this because if you are like me, you can’t even remember where you wrote them down at. Anyways, if one of your resolutions happens to be eating more green then you have come to the right blog post, my friend. It is time to talk about Raw Cannabis!

We all know that cannabis bud is great in its natural and many processed forms. However, most of us didn’t know that raw cannabis leaves are a superfood! Oh yes, you read that right, superfood. It is linked to enhanced immune functioning, increased bone density, improved communication between nerve cells, and is a potent anti-inflammatory.

So, in light of this information, let’s talk about a few ways to incorporate these super leaves into our diets, shall we?


Leafy Salad

Adding Raw Cannabis leaves to your salad is a great way to eat more greens! However, sometimes these babies can be hard on a digestive track so make sure you add more to your salad than just the cannabis leaves. Also, be sure to soak your leaves in cold water and apple cider vinegar for a few minutes before adding to your meal. No need to get ecoli or salmonella when you’re trying to be healthy.

Juice or smoothie super green machine

Juicing raw cannabis leaves instead of digesting them in a salad has an added benefit of maximizing your body’s cannabinoid absorption rate. Specialists say we should aim to juice around 15 leaves per day. Skip the stems though, because they contain tiny hairs composed of calcium carbonate and can irritate the throat if swallowed. You can add some freshly ground buds if you so choose though!


Cannabis Sandwich

I don’t know about you, but I am a sucker for a good sandwich! A cannabis sandwich just might make all my dreams come true. Seriously though, Raw cannabis leaves work well with ingredients such as tomatoes, cucumber, lemon, olive oil, mushrooms, basil, garlic, and vinegar. It’s important to mention that you’ll need to stick to cold sandwiches if you want to absorb the cannabinoid acids. The heat will initiate the conversion process of THCA and CBDA into THC and CBD.


One thought on “It’s 2020 Eat Your Raw Cannabis Greens!

  1. What a cool read! Great ideas for incorporating cannabis into your diet without the psychoactive effects!! Also a great way to use the entire plant! Great article!

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