
Welcome to 2021!

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by Amy Lee

Congratulations! You made it through one of the craziest, toughest years in history, thus far. Whether you felt it physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, or spiritually, you’re still here and for that I am grateful.

Spiced Pumpkin Hummus by Amy Lee

While 2020 may not have been your year, 2021 is your response. How will you bounce back from the beating that is commonly known as 2020? Currently, do you find yourself struggling with the weight of home life? Are you burnt out? Do you feel like you are merely surviving day in and day out? Or maybe you have that feeling that something is off but can’t figure it out or don’t know how to change it? You are not alone. Millions of Americans are feeling the same way but there is hope. You can choose to create change in your life through intentional living and goal setting.

Intentional living is the practice of living the life you desire most each day by responding to each scenario intentionally. By choosing to live intentionally, you can conquer anything! Creating intentional daily habits and goals assist in combating the auto-pilot mode many of us are stuck in currently.  One aspect of my job that I love is helping my clients clear their minds to create a vision for their future. With this vision in place, simple daily steps are created to reach that goal. Setting intentions paired with a simple goal-focused plan is key to living a more meaningful, balanced life.

Setting intentions for your life does not mean you are creating a grandiose plan to implement immediate massive change. Instead, intentional living creates a massive change slowly with each baby step in your wellness journey.

Four Tips on Creating an Intentional Life

  1. Get clear on a positive focus or goal (must be something you desire)
    • Example: Make bed every morning
  2. Commit to a period where you are intentionally working towards this focus, I recommend 3 to 4 weeks
  3. Recommit to your intention every day by stating it aloud, I recommend writing it on your mirror and repeating it daily
    • Example: I make the bed daily because I am neat and tidy.
  4. Let your intention be your teacher, are your thoughts and actions in line with your intention
    • Example: When tempted to avoid making the bed, what am I really saying?


These four basic steps for intentional living can help in creating a better way of life in 2021, imagine the life you desire most. Start small, like the example above, with attainable focuses and goals, basic needs, small cleaning chores, or focused mindfulness on positive thoughts. Whatever it is you desire most in 2021, pick a focus and work towards it, I am cheering you on!

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