
The Moon

DAN’l Wright-Kimbler Latest Spirituality The Fam

Strawberry Full Moon

by Dan’l Wright-Kimbler

She’s rapid.

She’s a rollercoaster.

The current and the tidal waves, she’s the fluid movements of this physical experience. Learning to flow with her movements becomes the lessons of daily life… especially at home.

Like daily devotions, she’s ebbing away at your resistance to change and teaching you the flows of our orbits around the sun…. And time itself.

Time is forever but ours is not…
Capricorn is all about savoring all time, work hard play hard… climbing high with one foot in the waters …

Right now Moon is helping kick off Cancer season by opposing Sun with a Full Moon phase in assertively dominant, yet hard loving Capricorn. Saturn energy rules here. Although this is feminine energy we are focusing on fathers.

Forefathers, our fathers, the fathers in us. The providers. The influencers. What are you doing to bring meaning? Are you diligent? Whose looking to you and what are they seeing?
Maybe you should shed what is not serving those things…. And one foot in the water helps keep that cold feet feeling for you, to keep you from coveting what is not meant for you, your progression.

If you really want to harvest the ripest, sweetest fruit, you must put in the work. Mental fortitude rules here.

Mars in Magnificent Leo, he’s creating such a stir with our inner child and wants us to selfishly serve ourselves at all costs right now, he will oppose Saturn whose retrograde in Aquarius. This opposing energy has father storming in demanding we tend to our community, to the people, reflecting on our support efforts. Honoring karma.

How do we balance this?

We get a touch of divine guidance from Leo’s ruler, the Sun, as he trines Jupiter retrograde in Pisces. Provoking all the inner empathy’s we need to methodically find a way to use our desires to serve the public, the mass and higher meaning.

As Pallas Athena in Pisces trined Venus in Cancer we restructure our values at home and have the perfect influences to build generations to come who will understand and learn from the patterns.

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