
The 1st Black Woman to have a Hemp Farmers License in Her County


Sheena Myers of GenoType

by: Veronica Castillo

Sheena Myers is the first black woman to have a hemp farming permit in her county, in South Carolina. This speaks volumes because, the cannabis industry is white male dominated. Her accomplishment extremely important, especially in the south, because representation matters- women grow!

In 2020, she launched GenoType, named after her son, Geno, her miracle child. “I was blessed with my miracle child Geno, who came into this world at 1lb 8oz and stayed in the NICU for 4 months”. 

Her business story begins here:

I didn’t know if he’d make it or not… or if he did make it what struggles would he have….I began researching all ways to heal different disorders that can come with micro preemies, that’s where I found out about cannabis oil and how it was a miracle worker for children with disabilities. To cut out the middleman I then thought I could become a farmer and have an everlasting supply of hemp which in turn would allow me to extract fresh CBD oil from my own Crop for my Geno”.

Interview slightly edited for clarity.

You are the first black woman hemp farmer in 3 counties in South Carolina what’ that like?

I am currently the first African American female Hemp/Cannabis farmer in Charleston, Dorchester, and Berkeley County. The state of South Carolina just made hemp legal to grow in 2018, everything is still new, and they are still trying to figure things out as well as the farmers. Each day is a learning process, but I am in it for the long haul. I did not enter this industry for wealth, I entered it to change lives. 

My face product that contains CBD oils is doing just that. Geno turned a year old on May 20th, 2020 and is growing as normal as any other child! I am thankful! These products are more than just face products, they are products that represent long nights, sweat, and tears. I cried and prayed that my micro baby would be alright. Hard work and dedication presents to you GENOTYPE FACE AND HAIR CARE LINE.”

Tell me about your GenoType line.

GenoType is a veteran owned and operated corporation. We currently have 4 products, all organic, with no chemicals, and can be used on the body, or in your hair. All products are made with the main ingredient being hemp oil, which is homemade with love:

CBD face, hair, and body budda. It hydrates, moisturizes and leaves skin with a 24hr glow great for people and children that suffer from eczema. 

CBD Acne Serum, which focuses on teen, and adult acne. 

CBD African Black Soap, leaves skin tight and refreshed. 

Will there be new products launched?

Soon! GenoType will be launching a CBD ingrown hair serum, and a CBD chaffing cream, so please be on the lookout!

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