
Sowing the Seed

Chet Tucker Columns/Editorial Culture Digital Issue FEATURED General Grow Health Internet Latest Lifestyle

by Chet Tucker

Sowing the Seed is a monthly column dedicated to spreading knowledge and thought provoking pieces around the medicinal benefits of cannabis, its components, and products.

The goal of each piece is to underscore the power of the plant while stripping away the stigma of cannabis.

Herbage Magazine feels very strongly that Chet and his positive values will help us to continue to solidify our very own similar values within the world of cannabis.

We have requested an introduction from Chet Tucker himself!

“I’m grateful for the opportunity to further the awareness cannabis and the benefits while hopefully making it fun to learn along. Though I’ve a crash course in cannabis over the last decade or so, it wasn’t until I dove head first into the medicinal community a few years ago that I widened my knowledge. Losing my father as a result of epilepsy, at the young age of 54, I became more and more interested in why we allow a ‘government’ to control our use of natural remedies. Had he access to cannabis or CBD, I firmly believe he’d still be with me and it’s truly the foundation of why I’m passionate about the best medicinal values of cannabis.

Additionally, I believe that humans have every right to plants, especially one that has a history of healing that dates back far back in the halls of earth’s history.

With years of corporate management and communication, I’m thrilled to be here each month to promote the awareness of cannabis.”

Chet Tucker
Executive Director
Arcadia Brands

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