
Sowing the Seed

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Seed to Soil

by Chet Tucker

Last month we started with the importance of genetics, the seed. This month we move to triggering the birth of the seed and what most growers use to feed the budding seed outside of water, soil. Every farmer is different and some might mention that water is required next but we’ll dive into feeding the seed and its sprouting roots. We’ll hit the critical pieces of water next month, along with hydroponics.

More by Chet Tucker

I set out to learn and share some of the basics of soil mediums and what it needs to thrive for the budding cannabis plant. And just like the plant needs to be fed, the soil too must have its appetite fulfilled. So, I started by asking a few growers and asked them what their approach to soil is and why they prefer it over other growing mediums.

Dreamleaf Farms’ head grower, Cal Milliron, shared, “I prefer soil because I think it brings out the flavor of the bud more. I feed with Botanicare Kind Nutrients mainly but I also add dry amendments when needed.” Cal is responsible for more than 10,000 square feet of indoor grow space and Dreamleaf’s flower is mostly pre-sold which is a testament to quality flower in a crowded marketplace.

Next, I reigned in an all women’s grow in the SW part of Oklahoma, CanOkie Buds, to learn their boutique success using soil. They shared that they use organic soil free of chemicals or pesticides. Further delving into the fact that Holly Mills says, “Organic soil is rich in nutrients and minerals which leads stronger cellular walls and helps build a plant that’s resistant to disease and pests.”

Finally, I reached out to Chase Morris with Chimney Hill which is in southeastern Oklahoma. Chase not only prefers soil over all mediums but goes with the organic method of living soil. He prefers to feed the soil with worms and surround the plants with companion plants that help ward off pests and pesky insects. When asked why he prefers soil, and specifically, living soil, he confidently riffed, “I feel like there’s body with soil but there’s an added soul with living soil.”

We appreciate the time these growers spent and for the time in their grow businesses. We have some great facilities and farms in Oklahoma and the quality is shining through. Next month we will get into water and hydroponics and then we’ll get into roots, light, and managing the growth stages of the flower before the curing and processing elements that come before the end medicinal product makes it to a dispensary shelf.

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