
Southern Hospitality: About The February Cover

Bridges Cover Artist James Bridges Latest The Fam

Southern Hospitality

About The Cover By James Bridges

One could swim in the essence of cozy satisfaction felt in the room. It was late and I needed to experience something ‘different’. I found my way into a smoke lounge in Norman. While admiring the room as I settled into the oversized velvet sofa I was approached by an interesting character who immediately caught my attention. I could feel the creative energy pent up in- side of this unique individual’s head. She told me her name was Stephanie Alexandria. As I started to speak she handed me a gift. She had hand drawn a special piece on a coaster. She wanted me to have it. I gazed into the drawing as she told me a story of one other piece she would love to show me.

Titled Southern Hospitality, it’s a collage piece. It was created with paper, pen, paint, glue, and googly eyes. She spoke of a time when she was temporarily living in Wisconsin to help family. She said she wanted to create something that tied her back to her southern roots. She wanted to emphasize her lonesomeness, but also portray her longing for a partner in crime. In the piece, she reaches her arm out to offer gifts. Behind her she conceals a weapon. This symbolizes the desire for vulnerability and trust while at the same time exemplifying the fear of vulnerability and trust. The eyes above her boots symbolize watching your steps.

To Stephanie, Southern hospitality is all about love and acceptance. Desiring vulnerability and trust yet being mindful of what you’ve experienced. I made my way out of the lounge as the gift that she drew for me made its way into my chest pocket.


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