
Safe and Strong

Business Columns/Editorial Features Lifestyle News

by Sarah Lee Gossett Parrish, Cannabis Lawyer


Dear Herb-Age Readers,

In these days of uncertainty it is important that our industry remains calm, united, and strong. It is my hope that dispensaries will remain open through this harrowing time because they are, in fact, pharmacies. They are such a necessary component of the medical treatment for Oklahoma patients, and any modifications that must be made, such as curbside service, would no doubt be welcomed and appreciated. As a cannabis lawyer, I am concerned for our small businesses out there who will bear much of the economic burden caused by the novel coronavirus. Oklahoma’s medical marijuana businesses are legal and legitimate. Please apply for any and all aid that is made available to small businesses by governmental entities.

For you patients, Oklahoma’s medical marijuana industry stands with you during this difficult season. Dispensaries will remain open as long as any pharmacy is allowed to do so, which should be “always”. The supply chain that includes Oklahoma growers and processors is will operate as long as allowed to do so, which, again, should be “always”.


Speaking of human possibilities, please remember the power of optimism and know that this too shall pass, and when it does, we Oklahomans will emerge stronger, closer, and even more committed to helping others. No industry contributes more to the well-being of others than our healthcare industry—a sector in which you, as medical marijuana businesses and patients, play a vital role.

Stay safe. Stay strong. May God bless and protect us all.

Sarah Lee Gossett Parrish


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