
NUMBER 60 – Letter From The Publisher

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As I sit down to reflect on the remarkable journey that Herbage Magazine has embarked upon, a sense of pride and accomplishment washes over me. This December, we celebrate a significant milestone – the 60th issue of Herbage Magazine, 60 months of continuous publication. This is a testament to our dedication and passion in two industries that I hold dear: publishing and cannabis.

It all started with a vision to create a platform that wasn’t just another publication. We’re a team dedicated to fostering open conversations about the benefits of cannabis. Our aim is creating a unique space where information meets creativity. Our mission is clear: do our part to boost both cannabis lifestyle and the industry.

Over these 60 months, Herbage Magazine has become a staple in the cannabis community, delving into the lifestyle that surrounds this fascinating plant. Our magazine has been a canvas for stories that resonate with the heart of cannabis culture.

Each issue is a journey into the heart of cannabis culture, focusing on how it enriches lives through various lifestyle elements. We’ve brought our readers stories about the art of cannabis-infused cuisine, the benefits of wellness routines, and the integration of cannabis into creative and social endeavors. Our commitment to showcasing the cannabis lifestyle in its full splendor has remained unwavering.

As we celebrate our 60th issue, we look ahead with excitement and determination. We will continue to explore the ever-evolving cannabis culture, bringing our readers the latest from the world of cannabis lifestyle. Our magazine will remain a space where the beauty and diversity of the cannabis lifestyle are celebrated, shared, and appreciated.

Here’s to many more issues of Herbage Magazine, where the cannabis lifestyle continues to inspire and connect us all.

James Bridges
Owner & Publisher
Herbage Magazine

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