
From My Heart To My Fingertips

Columns/Editorial Culture James Bridges Latest Lifestyle

By James Bridges

I sailed through the complexity of the day. I woke up thinking about cannabis and what it has done for me and my friends. I usually go to sleep thinking of damn near the same thing. Hopefully by the end, some of those benefits would have kicked in.

One would say I have a love affair with a plant.

There’s actual romance happening within the connection between her and I. I accept it. I write about weed constantly. I live around it daily. I connect with others that see the same light from her.

It’s overwhelming to think of those that have not been helped. Some tend to forget. Some tend to turn away from why we are here. I know that I do.

I was frustrated at the work that still hadn’t been done and the time in which to do it. I was rushing around. I wanted a little processing of the brain time.

The weather was starting to energize out outside. Inevitably, the texts and calls warned me of my impending doom. The noise seemed to be coming from everywhere except the actual storm. I started sweating.

I was thinking about some of the things that had happened that day. Some personal. Some business. Happenings nonetheless. I found myself getting worked up. Mentally, I desperately needed to check out.

I noticed the time.

I realized I would never finish anything I started unless I desired to fight being cross-eyed while looking at a computer screen. So, I checked out.

While laying in bed I scrolled through the never ending fulfillment of comedic relief, which is my Instagram feed. I realized that I had forgotten. I turned away from one of the reasons why I exist.

Quickly, I scrambled out of bed. I needed to find a way to make this right. I hadn’t forgotten overall. I had solutions to any obligation currently set in place. It was merely something that I needed to correct for my own personal sanity.

So I wrote this. I wanted to personally thank those that have served in the military. Like many, I was caught up in the whirlwind of chaos, which is life. Even though I had everything set in motion, I still forgot the most important part.

That part is you.

On 11, 11, 2021, Remember Veterans Day.


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