
Farming: If The Work Boots Fit

Female General Latest Lifestyle Tab Moura The Fam

by Tab Moura

In March, during the ice storm, my husband and I made a decision to sell our home in Tulsa. We knew the market would be tough, but we really needed change. Between my health issues and the systems we use to support our kids’ developmental needs, moving further out of Tulsa was the goal. I did not expect to go out and literally buy a farm… yet here we are, two months later. Living on a farm.


Together with my in-laws, we bought 70+ acres west of Tulsa, inheriting a lifetime of adventures. While we feel such immense joy with this family-culture-change, it’s also come with a significant amount of adjusting. If you don’t follow me on Instagram, you’re missing out on fun day to day stories from the farm. Like how I killed a big Water Moccasin with a pool net and a shovel (on day one), and the time I found a brand new calf right outside my window. But above all of those adventures, the thing I am most excited about on this farm is having the chance to be immersed in many more plant medicines.


Before cannabis, essential oils were the only natural medicine I was familiar with. I was still constantly inflamed, constantly having neurological symptoms and a few drops of oil wasn’t going to change that. So I overhauled my diet, again and again, until we found my answer. With a diet that was gentler to my body, I then began learning how to use plant medicines to heal the years of damage that had inadvertently occurred in my body. Now as I enter this new season, it’s my intention to expand my knowledge in these areas and eventually support others as I go. I’m looking forward to seeing where this road takes me. While the work is hard… it feels so natural. If the work-boots fit, I guess I’ll wear them.

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