
DIY Compost Tea


To make your own organic tea for growing cannabis, you can create a compost tea rich in nutrients that promote plant health. Here’s a simple recipe:


1. Compost: High-quality compost serves as the base for your tea, providing a variety of beneficial microorganisms.

2. Worm castings: Rich in nutrients and beneficial microbes.

3. Molasses: Acts as a food source for microbes and enhances microbial activity.

4. Unsulfured black-strap molasses: Contains essential minerals and helps feed beneficial bacteria.

5. Fish hydrolysate: A source of nitrogen and other nutrients.

6. Seaweed extract: Packed with micronutrients and growth-promoting hormones.

7. Non-chlorinated water: Chlorine can harm beneficial microbes, so use filtered or dechlorinated water.


1. **Prepare Ingredients:** Mix compost, worm castings, fish hydrolysate, and seaweed extract in a large, breathable bag or container. Use approximately 1-2 cups of compost, 1 cup of worm castings, 1 tablespoon each of fish hydrolysate and seaweed extract for every 5 gallons of water.

2. **Add Molasses:** Add 1-2 tablespoons of molasses to the mixture. This provides a food source for the microorganisms.

3. **Aerate:** For 24-48 hours, use an aquarium pump or similar device to aerate the mixture. This helps multiply beneficial microorganisms.

4. **Strain:** After brewing, strain the tea to remove solid particles. You can use a fine mesh bag or cheesecloth.

5. **Dilute:** Dilute the tea with water, aiming for a 1:4 ratio of tea to water.

6. **Apply:** Use the diluted tea to water your cannabis plants. Apply it to the soil around the base of the plants. Avoid using it directly on the foliage during the flowering stage to prevent potential issues.

  • Remember, brewing times and ingredient ratios can be adjusted based on your specific needs and the size of your grow. Regular application of compost tea can enhance soil health and contribute to robust cannabis growth.
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