Brannan Bell Columns/Editorial Features Female Feminine Divine General

Meet Lauren.She’s a native to Oklahoma and although her childhood wasn’t “normal”, she was happy. How we’re raised forever impacts us in one way or another. Lauren is a beautiful soul that shines bright from the inside out. Her mother gave birth to her at 41 and was consumed via IVF in the 90s, she’s her moms only child and her dads fourth. She has always considered herself an only child because she is the youngest out of her siblings, and they weren’t around much growing up. They were a bit older than her, lived in a different state, and had their own lives by the time she was born. Most of Lauren’s early childhood she says was spent exploring outside. “My mom and I would play “discovery” in the creek. I really loved barbies, playing dress up and putting on fashion shows in the living room for my mom and her camcorder”.

She moved from Tulsa to the outskirts of Broken Arrow at age 7, going into the third grade. The area of Broken Arrow that she moved to, she describes as being very different from East Tulsa to her, where there was more diversity. The new home had the entrance and exit off the highway, a Walmart and a Sonic. Going to school, Lauren was one of three caucasian students in her class. She describes her relocation as, “moving to a suburb where most everyone drives a truck and wears Real Tree”.

Soon after moving into their house, her parents got a divorce. Lauren was primarily raised by her mother, but both parents had split custody. Going back and forth between “mom and dads”, Lauren became very adaptable to change, as well as any other kid that experienced an every other weekend routine. Upon her adulthood, she didn’t realize how much her parents divorce affected her greatly. From a young age, Lauren’s mother continuously helped feed the individuality inside of her. Anything she was passionate about, she supported. From sports and hobbies, to shaving the sides of her head and dying her hair green. Lauren describes herself as an eclectic teenager, who drove a little yellow 2 door chevy and was immersed in all things art. She emphasizes on how this bled into her adulthood shaping who she became, while forever feeling grateful to experience her youth the way she did.

You’re a beautiful follow on Instagram both inside and out. Where did @inthegrassland come from originally?

Before In the Grassland was created, my handle on Instagram was Lauren.abloom, which means covered in flowers. My page was full of photos of the floral arrangements I was making from work and that is pretty much all that I posted. I came to realize that this was the majority of how people perceived me. I felt that it wasn’t all encompassing of who I am. I was a  florist, among many other things. Humans are obsessed with labels and we are constantly searching to fit into an identity. Although I believe there are things “about us” that make us, “us” it doesn’t mean that it is all that we are. In the Grassland was born from trying to break out of a box and expand. I started sharing more of my thoughts and passions. I also started sharing more of myself. I was trying to think of a handle that was true to the over all creative expression. I live in Oklahoma, a grassland and am constantly engrossed in nature. I’m also heavily involved with cannabis, aka grass. So it has acted as a double entendre.

You’re very creative and you love flowers. How do you tap into your own creative mind and bring
it to fruition?

My journey as a floral artist began in 2018, six months after I had my son. Back then, I didn’t really have a creative process because I was happy to just be touching flowers. There was no rhyme or reason to what I was doing. Since then, my creative process has grown. Due to my background in art, I’ve had an interest in natural shape and color theory. Integrating both of those concepts has been challenging but immensely transformative for me. As a florist, you are working with what nature has provided and that is somewhat limited. When arranging, I typically come up with a personality for whatever it is that I’m making. If the flowers I am working with are vibrant, punchy, and round in shape, the arrangement could transform into a gal who puts on her favorite sundress to get mimosas with her friends for Saturday brunch. If the flowers are angular, neutral and white, with a pop of color- the arrangement could transform into an orthodontist with extremely nice teeth, fun colored tennis shoes, and leaves the office carrying a leather work bag.

What does healing and inner work look like for you?

I believe that healing and inner work is constant. There is this “fix our problems” or “getting over it”
pressure that lives in society, but I don’t think that’s how it works. Reframing our thoughts and
switching our perspective towards trauma or life experience is the beginning but taking action
towards change is the kicker. You can be aware of your problems all day, talk about healing, read all
the books, and sage your life but nothing will REALLY change until you take steps and move towards
your highest expression.

You’re a beautiful writer and your captions are always very profound on IG. How has expressing yourself through your page been for you with your social presence?

Much of my writing is through the collective eye and from my own experience. I’ve been gifted many beautiful moments in my life. Most of them have been emotionally trying and hard, but I think I have been gifted the moments for the opportunity of growth and relatability. On my platform, I believe that there must be a healthy balance of vulnerability and privacy. Navigating this has been interesting because although I want people to come to any of my platforms and feel as if they aren’t alone in
their life, I have come to enjoy being a hermit. I am pretty open for people, which causes people to feel as if they know me… but really they are reading about themselves too. So there is a lot of juxtaposition. Although In the Grassland is me, I am not inthe grassland.

What does a human design reading look like and entail?

A Human Design reading is an approach to self-discovery and personal growth that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, and quantum physics. It is based on the concept that each person is born with a specific “design” or energetic blueprint that determines their strengths, challenges, and life path. During a reading, I will analyze your birth information to generate a body graph (a visual representation of your unique design). I will interpret the various elements of your chart and provide insights into your personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, life purpose, and potential challenges. Through the reading, I will encourage you to reflect on different aspects of your life to help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and how you can align with your authentic nature.

Lauren expresses that “Human Design is considered a tool rather than a scientifically proven system. Its relevance can vary from person to person, and it’s up to each individual to decide how they resonate with the information and integrate it into their lives”. Connecting nature and the spirit.

What are your passions with @beyondthegrassland?

Beyond the grassland is a space for the soul to flourish. My passion for holistic health and wellness began when my son was born, as I had a spiritual awakening and saw the importance of integrating all sides of the self. The mind, body, and soul. Beyond the grassland is a space for using tools, such as eco therapy, energy work, therapeutic touch, color therapy to help transform disease.

What are some sacred rituals for your well being you practice?

I practice meditation daily and view it as self care. It wouldn’t be sacred if I told you the nitty gritty, but what I will say is that I incorporate oils, tinctures and tools from @NativeEarthHSC into my practice. I think experimenting with what meditation looks like for you is important. There is no right or wrong because it is different for everyone. Meditation is not one size one size fits all.


For most of my life, I felt very disconnected from “femininity” but have always known that I am a
woman. It wasn’t until recently that I finally connected to this side of my being. We have the
innate ability to embody out Divine Feminine powers by embracing the authentic self. It begins by
reconnecting with intuition and honoring our emotions which allows us to tap into our inner
wisdom and guidance. By cultivating self-love and self-compassion, we can create a strong
foundation for embracing our Feminine Divine power. Embodying the Divine Feminine also involves
embracing vulnerability, recognizing that it is a source of strength rather than weakness. As a
mother, I have had the opportunity to nurture and create life, mirroring the creative power of the
universe. Embodying the Divine Feminine in motherhood allows me to guide my child with love,
compassion, and empathy. Through the act of nurturing and providing a safe and nurturing
environment, I can embrace the qualities of patience, understanding, and unconditional love, fully
embodying the aspects of the Divine Feminine.


As an adult human living in 2023, we have bills, obligations and have to make an income to provide security. That being said, through time and love, I’ve sat with little Lauren to find out who she is. Asking her and listening to the inner knowing. What does she like? What does she enjoy doing? Among many things, she loves being outside, arts and crafts, painting, and dancing. She expresses herself outwardly through clothing and jewelry and inwardly through art and writing. She really loves to learn and is very experimental in nature. I’m constantly working towards nourishing my inner child by sitting with the parts of little Lauren that were neglected or shoved to the side by society. Also by going back to my roots and allowing myself to be free by not being tethered to anything rigid.


I identify and clarify my values and pour into my passions. I take time to reflect on what truly matters to me. I experiment with what brings me joy and fulfillment. This self-reflection has helped shape my
path according to my own desires and aspirations. I’ve set clear intentions for my life. I build my life on my terms and this requires setting healthy boundaries and learning to say no to things that don’t align with what I see. I prioritize self-care and make time for activities that nourish my mind, body, and soul. I surround myself with like-minded and good hearted friends who uplift, inspire, and hold me accountable. Creating a life that you love is an ongoing process. Embrace positive mindsets as you navigate through challenges and changes. Stay committed to your vision and authenticity and keep taking steps towards the life you deserve to live. One that you love.

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