
Training Through Terps pt. 3

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Eliminate the Struggle

by Micah McKamie

When building your workouts, one of the things that I consistently see is a lack of focus towards routine and consistency.  “Finding” a way to “Fit” your workouts in throughout the week is setting yourself up for failure.  

Intro to Training through Terps by Micah McKamie

Too many times we go into the planning and scheduling process of working out with the, “I will make time” mentality for your fitness and weight loss goals.  We go through our daily routines determined to make time for our fitness, however, we constantly fall short.  Why?  I want to be fit?  I have the desire!!!  I have the knowledge!!!  Unfortunately making time isn’t enough to sustain what it takes to become physically fit.  

The main issue is how we categorize the need in our heads.  By just making time for something you are already limiting your ability to work out to when it’s convenient.  When everything else is done, you will get to that run, knocking out the workout of the day, or get a good Yoga session.  Now, because we “make time” for our workouts in our head, we justify the lack of workouts that this causes.  I am just too busy, there isn’t enough time, and I just don’t have the mental capacity or energy, become normalized statements when your brain passes over the “what’s next on the list” thought.  

This is where I usually hit a wall with people, because the next part doesn’t make sense unless you practice it; the more you work out, the more energy you have.  This is hard for most people to understand because the first few weeks of making physical fitness a priority are exhausting.  The soreness, the mental anguish from making yourself keep going even though you are sore and achy.   Waking up your muscles and endorphin system out of hibernation takes time and work and honestly, it’s the part people hate the most. 

Part 2: The Journey, by Micah McKamie

That is where cannabis products come into play.  The abundance of products out there that are designed towards a medical or even a recreational standpoint can be highly beneficial to kick-starting your fitness journey.  Strains can be used to get you going, tone you down, eliminate soreness, and just make working out fun.  One group of products that I love is the pain-relieving capabilities of transdermals’ and there are quite a few on the market, but two have stood out.  Mary’s Medicinals 1:1 transdermal patch is crazy good.  The first use, you look at the little 2-inch pad and wonder how this could even work. However, less than 5 minutes after application this little guy will loosen you up, eliminate pain, and honestly put you in a good mood.  The second is a new product from Sunday Extracts.  They have not only made a 1:1 salve that works immediately, but it’s also made with hydrosol.  If you are not aware of what hydrosols are, they are the moisture leftover when extracting essential oils, so it is medicinal and really good for your skin. The reason I bring these up is even at the ripe old age of 39 I am able to get immediate results from these products which have aided me in longer and more reoccurring workouts than without. 

Not only processed products, but really good flower can also aid in the success of those just starting their fitness journey.  I always suggest lower THC doses or more manageable THC:CBD doses so as to make you successful and not just get you ripped. I have gone over a few of my favorite strains in past articles that focused more on performance, than pain management, so I thought I would list a few pain strains that have worked for me!.

Gorilla Glue #4

Great flavor, Creative producing, great for pain relief and reducing inflammation. No Time, Fabulous Cannabis

Skunk Hero

Great pain reduction, good for relaxing muscles, a sativa that is not energy producing, however does not rob you of your energy. Sunday Extracts

Mac Stomper

Great for recovery, reduces stress and inflammation, helps to release lactic acid build up, mood elevator. Gray Matter Farms 

Hulka Kola

2:1 ratio, great for body relaxation, clears your thoughts and aids in meditation, specifically hunted to reduce pain and inflammation, Does not have a CBD hemp taste Kola Organics 


Now, go into this knowing that it also is a process.  I have spent many a morning bombed out of mind sitting on the floor next to my weights and wondering if this would work.  The key was knowing myself, my tolerance levels, and how terpenes affect me differently, as well as, figuring out what strains and products work best at what times.  Eliminating the struggle through canna-centric workouts is what it is all about.  Cannabis isn’t a shortcut, it’s an add on.  It is a key to get to the other 90% of our potential.

I know l have said it before, but training through terpenes is as much about learning and knowing yourself as it is about Cannabis.   It isn’t just about utilizing medical marijuana to make working out fun or tolerable, even though it is an amazing side effect, but it’s about learning what makes you tick. How best to use clean motivation internally to meet your goals?  What will make this process go smoothly for you?  Canna-centric isn’t about other peoples’ routines, its how to harness your already installed and dormant passion to fulfill your goals and let’s be honest getting a little baked.  


If you are looking for a reason to start your canna-centric fitness journey, we will be coordinating a cannabis friendly group run on February 28th.  If you are curious about what Training Through Terps does, or interested in shot-gunning and running with us contact us at Cannabiscommunity405@gmail.com or DM us at @trainingthroughterps on Instagram!!!  Are You In?

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