
My Road To 40

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by Tab Moura

I read once that 40 years old is when most women truly reach a point in their lives where they don’t care as much what other people think. It’s when they begin living more authentically and surround themselves with friendships that are more energizing.

In 2021 I will be turning 32, and I’ve decided that it’s never too early to stop giving a crap. This year I’ve begun to make some changes.

Plant Medicine for Spring, by Tab Moura
Enjoy BEING More

We’ve seen the world melt around us, 2020 helped me to acknowledge that the world really will get over if I cannot, or will not, sacrifice my sanity to make things happen. My memories of my children are just as important as my children’s memories of me… for all of our sakes, I will defend our special days from perfectionism and comparison, so we can all relax a little. 

Eat Well

So this is a double edge sword. I believe it’s equally important that we eat nutritiously, and also that every woman deserves at least one treat that is never shared. I’m an early bloomer, so I’ve already been rehearsing this one. Right now it’s organic mint chip ice cream. However, I’m not actually 40 yet, so I have time to try a few more treats before I’ll ultimately do whatever I wanna do anyway. 

Do it
Stoner, by Tab Moura

By this point in your life, I’m sure there has been at least one big thing that you “just aren’t brave enough to try.” Or maybe it’s financial and you just don’t see how you can justify the expense… I’m here to tell you, it’s time to do it. If it’s a matter of bravery, then it’s time to smoke a bowl and ask your bestie to help you follow through. If it’s truly just about money, it’s time to make a budget. Write it down. Look those numbers in the eye, then call your bestie to brainstorm how to raise the money. I know it can wait… it always can— but this is the season we start living authentically, remember? 

Hawt Stuff

If you don’t own a sexy outfit, now is the time. I don’t care if you never go anywhere. I don’t care if you’re single. I don’t care if your sexy outfit isn’t a dress… it’s a right of passage. If you don’t own an outfit that makes you feel attractive, don’t feel pressure to spend money on it. This is about authenticity after all. Perhaps the real goal is to reach a point where only your own voice is what determines your self-image— and that it’s important to surround yourself with loving people who appreciate your beauty.

I’m looking forward to adding to this list as I continue my journey to 40. Maybe you’d like to share some of the rights of passage you have come across as you’ve reached these milestones. You can find me on Insta @tabmoura feel free to tag me and tell me what wisdom you’ve gained while growing and shedding expectations. 

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