
Leo Season is Here: August Reading by Oak, Ash, & Thorn

Culture Entertainment General Readings by Coley Spirituality


Leo season is here and full of so many magical events. Two SUPER full moons. The first being August 1st in Aquarius and the other being not only a super full moon but also a blue moon on August 30th in Pisces. Definitely expect the unexpected.
Leo is the season of pride and courage. So step into that energy and take pride in who you are. Dress your best, put on those flashy colors and shine!
Old relationships may be popping in this month for you. Whether this is just friendship or romantic this return of this person from your past they have you remembering events differently. Pay attention to haw much time and energy you spend on this. It may be more important for you to manage your time and to save up on the emotional energy. Plan all of your steps with your eye on the long term. Be patient and take your time. There are many things and events coming your way so choose wisely for your ultimate satisfaction.
Expect a windfall of abundance in the form of money advice and assistance. Happy changes in your career and successful projects. It is important however that you see things clearly and don’t make rash decisions don’t always take the first offer sometimes there are better choices think through everything clearly before making your choice. Stay grounded and don’t allow yourself to be swept off your feet there is a lot of emotions behind making the right choices for you.

Definitely don’t let any of these words deter you you’ve manifested this through all of your hard work and your dedication. Let go of all of the people places and things that no longer serve your highest good because right now is the time to focus on you. Surround yourself with others who share your dreams and desires. Be cautious and wise in your actions, have great attention to detail, and remember to be kind to yourself and others. I know that this is emotional, remember that you have what it takes you only have to believe in yourself! Thinking you’re powerless when you’re not feeds the self-confidence that keeps you from getting what you want that my friend is what we need to let go of.
Cosmic journey guidance.

You decided to wake up. What if you left clues and signs for yourself as a wake up call for this lifetime, knowing you would fall asleep to your true mission? The symbols are appearing in your life through movies songs colors names etc. Pay attention! It’s incredible to realize that everything you see around you and every element you are made of was once inside of an exploding star. So then the question is why are you taking yourself so seriously? Your cosmic journey can be whatever you make of it.

Everything you see around you is a perfect reflection of where you are on your path. You’re being called become more honest, for your actions and words to always reflect your true self. By doing so you become more of a clear mirror and your relationships will reflect even more peace joy and contentment.
Everyone knows about their shadow self the parts of us that were not so fond of did you know there’s an exact opposite to that called the golden shadow. Have you ever wondered why you look up to and admire certain characteristics of characters, heroes, or mentors? Those you look up to represent the golden shadow. The good news is that the same aspects are in you as your golden shadow. They reflect exactly who you are when you act from your highest self. The reverse of this is also true the most difficult aspects of certain people are the aspects of self that you haven’t embraced or seen fully.
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