
Heirloom tomato + Smoky Bacon Fat Mayo + Cannabis Leaf Toasts


Anytime is the best time to make heirloom tomato toast in my opinion. As a professional chef of over thirty years, I’ve learned that picking products at the peak of their ripeness really depends on where you live, but for heirloom tomatoes it almost always starts early in the summer and ends in the fall. Almost as much of a fad as the ubiquitous California avocado toast is in Southern California, the heirloom tomato toast with mayonnaise has not only been a hundred-year fad in the American south, but a seasonal staple as well. I know whole heartedly; I lived many years in the American south and became an official heirloom tomato toast aficionado and specialist. I’m also very proud to be involved in the transition in acceptance when it comes to fresh cannabis in the modern kitchen. Having licensed farm raised hemp and cannabis greens in the market for chefs, restaurants, and juice bars to utilize shouldn’t be far off with the way things are moving these days. I can’t wait for protein dense cannabis and hemp greens to be readily available in select grocery stores around the country, to satisfy all your tomato toast needs sometime in the next few years. Unless of course you are a home grower, then you will have plenty of fresh young cannabis and hemp leaves available. I like to sprinkle the thick sliced heirloom tomatoes with a generous amount of local sea salt flakes and a few fresh green coriander seeds from my garden. I then slather my favorite golden brown and delicious toasted artisan sourdough slices with the smoky bacon fat mayonnaise- in true heirloom tomato toast fashion that is. The bacon fat mayo is super simple to make and downright stupid good to try on your favorite tomato and mayo sandwich during heirloom tomato season. Remember to slather the smoky bacon fat mayo on heavy, to cut the heirloom tomatoes thick, and don’t be shy with the sea salt flakes. I hope you enjoy this cannabinoid infused heirloom tomato toast recipe no matter where you live…

Heirloom Tomato + Smoky Bacon Fat Mayo + Cannabis Leaf Toasts

prep time: 15 minutes

wait time: 20 minutes

yield: 5 toasts

total thc/cbd: depends on the potency of the products used

status: downright delicious stoner snack

from the cannabis pantry: cannabis bacon fat, cannabis hot sauce, cannabis butter

chef’s strain recommendation: blue cheese

equipment needed

medium stainless-steel mixing bowl, whisk, chef’s knife, cutting board, food processor, serrated knife, serving platter or plates

provisions needed

5 slices of your favorite artisan sourdough bread (cut ¾ inch thick)

¼ cup cannabis infused butter (made in the mb2e)

3-4 medium misc.organic heirloom tomatoes

½ – 1 cup smoky cannabis bacon fat mayo

1 cup fresh young cannabis or hemp leaves

1 tbsp jacobsen sea salt flakes

1 tsp fresh cracked pepper

2 tsp fresh green coriander seeds (optional)

smoky cannabis bacon fat mayo

½ cup of cannabis infused applewood smoked bacon fat (at room temp) (made in the mb2e)

1 tbsp chipotle adobo (contents of the can pureed smooth)

1 ½ cups of mayonnaise (if you don’t use dukes mayonnaise, you are going to hellmann)

1 tsp cannabis hot sauce (made in the mb2e)

½ cup fresh cooked bacon bits (very small + crispy)

how to make it

for the mayo-

put all the ingredients in the bowl of a food processor and mix well. add a ¼ cup of super crispy bacon bits to the mayo. mix well, place the mayo into an airtight container, refrigerate. use liberally.

to assemble the toasts-

toast the bread slices to your liking, butter each slice with a little cannabis butter. slice the heirloom tomatoes as thick as you’d like them. slather each piece of the toasted sourdough bread with as much smoky bacon fat mayo as you’d like. then sprinkle a nice amount of hemp or cannabis greens on each toast. top the greens with three or four various sized tomato slices on each toast as well. then season each toast with salt and pepper. garnish each toast with a sprinkle of fresh green coriander seeds and a little more sea salt. serve and enjoy with udder delight.

equipment + product source

www.magicalbutter.com  (mb2e botanical extractor)

www.jacobsensaltco.com (oregon kosher sea salt)

recipe by #theshortordercannabisrevolutionary   chef sebastian carosi     @chef_sebastian_carosi on Instagram

An award-winning chef, avid forager, and wild crafter. Chef Sebastian Carosi, also known as “the short-order cannabis revolutionary”, has been cooking with full spectrum cannabis and eating the devil’s lettuce since the early 90’s. Trained at Portland, Oregon’s Western Culinary Institute, apprenticed under renowned chefs in Italy, and went on to lead the farm-to-fork movement across the United States.

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